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2020 Academic Year Lost to COVID-19

2020 Academic Year Lost to COVID-19

 ‘’I feel really sad since we have lost a whole academic year, and had hoped to move to the next level. I hate Corona.’’ Whined a class seven  pupil.

By Hillary Murani.

As the business world opens up to the new norm, school going candidates have expressed mixed feelings over the directive to stay a whole year at home. 

Nicholas Muriithi a Kenya Certificate for Primary Education (KCPE)  candidate felt  that the government did what was reasonable and good for all though saddening.

 ‘’ I think it’s a good idea since the playing ground was not levelled for all the students in that some had access to online classes while the majority didn’t have such privileges. Let’s wait for the pandemic to end then we can all go back to school and get same education.’’ He said.

Nicky Leshore sympathised with those who can’t access the online classes.

 It’s really sad to know we have lost a whole academic year which we would have done a lot. Most of the students in Kenya don’t have opportunity for online classes and even though I do online studies, I figure not all my classmates have access to it. It’s unfortunate that we  go on learning without others because of privilege inequalities.’’ He added

 Sentiments that were echoed by a class seven pupil Jesse Nduati who felt saddened by the thought of repeating a whole year.he had different prospects  and really looked forward to clear his primary education next year, which is seemingly impossible.

 ‘’ I feel really sad since we have lost a whole academic year, and had hoped to move to the next level. I hate Corona.’’ Whined Natasha Sanaipei, a class seven  pupil.

Gabriel Baraka a grade four pupil has a different gist of the new norm, ‘’ Staying at home has enabled me to set a time structure for myself without supervision from teachers. I am able to do what I want and also more time to play.’’ He said.

On the other hand, Nagheka D., a parent, has a hard time explaining to his son the sudden change of events.

‘’ My 11-year-old son is feeling angry; he doesn’t understand why yet they can’t continue with their studies wondering or  why KCPE was so important that they have to repeat a class because of it.’’ She noted . She pointed out that  her son has been   slowly giving up on his online classes since the announcement of repeating the same class. “He now spends his time  on WhatsApp and skype.’’ She quipped.

‘’ My kids are yet to comprehend; they are just glad to be home with mummy working at home.’’ Said Audrey Nyandundu, a parent.

With schools’ resumption scheduled to next year January of 2021, education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha wants school fees refunded to parents of primary and secondary schools’ who had paid second term and third term fee or have an agreement for the said fees to be carried forward to next year.

According to the Kenya’s Education Act, the academic year begins in January and ends around October or November just before the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education- KCPE and Kenya Certificate of Secondary School- KCSE exams are held. The school year is divided in 3 terms.

About The Author

David Mono Danga

David Mono Danga is an investigative journalist reporting for Voice of America – VOA in Juba. He is the Founder and Managing Editor of The Insider South Sudan, an online investigative journalism platform that aspires to be quoted for nothing but the truth. Monodanga is also a Lecturer at the Media Development Institute (MDI), an institute where he continuously mentors student journalists who aspire to join the journalism profession.

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