By Loise Munjiru
We have different opinions when it comes to dressing, walking or even character. But does character really define who we are? Or does it show who we want to be? The future holds many secrets. Some of which we already know but, we are not to be defined by what we could do rather, what we can do now. Many people will offer us great support or be against us but this should not matter because above all, as an individual, you should know where you want to go.
People often say that the sky’s the limit, but what about those who already reached to the sky and even beyond it. Does this still apply? Well, it’s up to you to find out. How nice it would be to discover something new that no one knew about. To live in your own world, where all you say goes, I guess that all that matters is what you think about yourself.
Accept who you are and those around you will not try to change you. You’re a being who is intelligent to see what’s good and bad for you. Set those limits that you can achieve. You should have the courage to face yourself even when you’ve made a mistake, because admitting what you’ve done brings you closer to who you are meant to be. People will respect you if you respect yourself. Some people come in your life as blessings; others come in your life as lessons.
Live by your own rules and don’t compromise your integrity to please others. A person’s character is like a mirror; once it’s shuddered you look at it the same way. Act the way you want people to treat you. You should embrace who you are and not who others want you to be. Have the courage to face who you are in the mirror first before facing the world. When everything has worked itself well, you’ll look back and regret nothing. Even though your past was full of mistakes or hurt, you will look back and smile because it made you. That stronger and courageous person that you’ve now become.
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